Let's Put a Pool Room in Every Town, is a book project of mine.
It's about how the Pool Room can exist in small towns once again and where the business is going to come from.
This includes the approximate costs of opening the room, the regulations you have to deal with, health code requirements, food service costs, affordable and effective advertising and limitations etc. It also covers the subject of Player Programming and Entertainment.
The Good News is that the Pool Business is due for a come back and we show you how to make it work while also making it easy to run.
When I started this project this year I gave myself 2 yrs for it because I also have other things I'm doing.
There are a lot of things I've found out during this research already that tell me that this business was waiting for a better time and its finally come.
With new tools and techniques to apply to gaining a customer base the Pool Rooms are ready to be opened up once again.
How this is arranged could be real important for the future of the sport. So providing an idea on how to utilize this chance to get the most from it, is what I am going into.
I like ideas and want to hear yours. Email me at [email protected] and see if your idea is something we need to look into.
It will be awhile before this is finished as we have to take our time in order to have this right.