This page contains everything you need to know about my techniques and what I offer. There is a free download at the bottom of the page that tells more.
What do you want for your game?
The first thing that any Player should want is better shot making ability, everything else is built around that.
My aiming course is easy to understand and comprehensive as it leads you to Automatic Aiming. My clear descriptions (in pictures) shows you exactly how it works. As you use the technique in practice you begin to see the angles automatically and your worry over (where to hit the object ball) is less each time. If you know where to hit the ball then its your job to deliver the Cue Ball and I help you (with techniques for that) and a free Speed Control Course on pdf that you can run to tune that in.
When you consider this is built off my unique solid references that you are given to look for, the small investment is more than worth it and I have a plan for Side Spin based on it.
You can use my material to get you to a higher level quickly and you can stay at that level and improve every time you get to the table. So its perfect for a low ranked player who wants to play better in the finals.
Now, Let's talk about Side Spin
Allowances for Inside Spin
I give you 3 positions for "aim to reference points" for every shot on the table with Inside Spin. The contact point is always position 1 and 2 and 3 are always in the same place. The contact point is a familiar focal point and I tell you exactly how its found in a way no else has ever done it. My way is simpler and I like to call it "the right way" but we won't argue about that, let's just say its very correct.
For each shot with Inside Spin you'll consider the angle from where you're standing and its relationship to the "aim to reference points". In this way you'll begin to build your Inside Spin game based on your stroke. Once you learn how to make shots with one speed and distance, you'll know to allow a little more or a little less depending on your distance to the shot or the stroke you choose to use. Each time you change stroke speed or distance that changes the allowance. When you practice this by using my reference system you'll understand the role of distance and stroke in making allowances. You'll become familiar with your aim to point for the appropriate distance with your soft, medium and firm stroke. Its like a trombone. The more distance the slightly more allowance or increase in the aim to point. You'll learn to blend this knowledge and you won't be scared to shoot the shot the right way with Side Spin.
Outside Spin is similar in squirt, yet its very different in nature and allowances
Outside Spin allowances are different than those for Inside Spin. Outside Spin allowances seem smaller because you have more room for error because the Cue Ball is slipping off the Object Ball as it passes it. Inside grabs the Object Ball and those allowances must be exact.
When you're confronted with varying allowances in this way, "How are you supposed to be able to get a grasp on what to do if every time you cue up a side spin shot it seems very different?" Understanding the differences and how it works is the key.
This is why I've devoted the time I did to this. I wanted to be able to set you on the right pathway to understanding this end of the game. To date there isn't anyone else that has completely explained this in layman's terms that didn't leave you without important information.
I have the only book with this detailed information and my explanation is in the second edition so its perfected to a higher level being simplified down to easier to digest and use information.
The key to the skill set of applying Side Spin was my goal and is in my books.
I created my techniques so you can have more fun playing Pool improving immediately and open the door to rest of the game. Both of my books are less than $30 vs. a lifetime of progress and enjoyment. I promise uncomplicated and elevated shot making and I can deliver that. The more you use it the better you see the shot and are able to complete an accurate cue ball delivery.
Every system/technique should have perceptions its been built around. My perceptions point toward the pocket, no one else's do. I'm unsure why others don't I just made mine around what works. The core of the technique is what makes it solid, realistic and easy to understand and use.
My techniques allow you to create permanent Pictures of Success in Shot Making in your mind. Couple that with the Pictures of Success in how much allowance to make depending on Distance and Stroke for Side Spin and you have everything in that regard that you need to be able execute. Now you can make better decisions on what to do with the Cue Ball according to the games you most like to play.
If you have any trouble all you have to do is email me and we can get together on the phone or via email. I don't get a lot of questions because I do a good job with my descriptions. Feel free to contact me with your comments and certainly if you're going to be in my area and want your free lesson or you want my Speed Control pdf that is free for now.
"The Target Ball Concept"
You can expect to see something new at the table that no one else in the world has ever put to print. It is a simple concept no one else ever thought to develop that provides standard repeatable data for your eye to acknowledge for shot making. You recognize it instantly and It gets better each time you use it and you become very confident as you'll see improvement immediately. This technique led me to a way to teach side spin so that's pretty strong.
Knowing that you can pocket balls enables you to refine your shot making process and have the capacity to work on your Stroke, Spin and Solid Fundamentals.
It's easy to learn which means you'll love it. It's Original Information not available anywhere else.
You'll be getting information that others have struggled to describe, only now its been described very well. It won't harm anything you do now. It stands well on its own and will enhance any other aiming technique on the market. Deadly accurate and easy to use. It's all you need. Please take the time to write me and tell me how your game is improving. I like to know how you did before and what is different now.
Of all the things I've spent money on over the years where it pertains to Pool. If I would have not written this book and I'd needed some help I would have hoped someone would have had a book like this for me to buy. It's as short a pathway to an elevated game that I can find and is why I put it out to start with. I would appreciate your feedback on your experiences sent to my email. If there is anything I can help you with I will. All you will need after this book is to use it and some table time. There's no mysteries to how this works and it does.
The Flight of the Cue Ball-Side Spin Book
This is the only book of its kind in the world. You'll find everything you need to know about Side Spin up to including allowances for it with your cue over distance.
"This material will allow you to be able to make decisions about the allowances and learn the shots with your stroke and your normal application of Side Spin." This is the only book with this (easy to process) detail on this subject in the world, I've simplified the process so not only will you understand it but you can also learn it. So if you want help learning to Spin your cue ball, this is the book to have.
Start with the Target Ball Concept!
Robbing The Bank Shot!
I removed this book from Amazon so that I can include the material in another book later on geared around my love for One Pocket. I teach this material and will help you if you contact me. I give One Pocket lessons from the material.
Free Lesson if you come to me.
My customers can contact me for a free lesson. I'll meet you local to where I live near Winston-Salem, NC. You'll cover the table time and a soda or something for me to drink and that's it. Email me and we can talk on the phone about what you want to go over at its my book email address. I'm the only instructor with a Speed Control Course, and an Original Aiming Technique that transitions easily into Side Spin!
I will do personal lessons and I will travel some.
You'll be a better shot maker with my techniques. That's the bottom line. No complicated rules, an easy explanation and some play is all that is required.
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